Refund Policy
SchoolsEmailList takes pride in delivering valuable data to our customers. However, due to the quality of the database provided, we are unable to accept returns or offer refunds on any lists or reports once they have been transmitted or downloaded. This is a final sale that cannot be reversed. While we strive to maintain accuracy, clarity, and freshness of data, please note that we do not offer any warranties with respect to the data provided through our service.
Our Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
At SchoolsEmailList, we understand that customer satisfaction is paramount to the success of our business. We believe in building strong and long-lasting relationships with our valued customers. We are committed to providing exceptional products and services that meet and exceed your expectations.
While we strive to ensure that every customer has a positive experience with our offerings, we also acknowledge that circumstances may arise where a refund is necessary. In such cases, we have established a transparent and customer-friendly refund policy to address any concerns you may have.
Our refund policy has been designed to ensure fairness and transparency, while also considering the nature of the digital products we offer. We kindly ask you to read and familiarize yourself with the following guidelines.
1. Eligibility for Refunds:
A. Refunds are applicable only for services related to database and email list purchases.
B. Refunds/Replacements are applicable only if the email list has a bounce rate more than 10%.
2. Refund Requests:
A. Refund requests must be made within 30 days of the original purchase date
B. To initiate a refund request, Please Contact our customer support team via email or phone, providing relevant details regarding your purchase.
3. Evaluation Process:
A. Each refund request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
B. We reserve the right to assess the validity of the request by reviewing the circumstances, usage of the product, and other pertinent factors.
4. Non-Refundable Scenarios:
A. Refunds will not be granted if the purchased database or email list has been utilized extensively or has been integrated into your systems.
B. In cases where we find evidence of misuse, violation of terms, or unauthorized distribution of our data, no refund will be provided.
5. Replacement Process:
A. Upon approval of your replacement request, we will process the database replacement within 72 hours with no additional costs .
B. Please note we only provide replacement and we do not offer any warranties with respect to the data provided through our service.
6. Modifications to Refund Policy:
A. SchoolsEmailList reserves the right to modify this refund policy at any time, without prior notice.
B. Any changes to the policy will be communicated through our Website or via Email.
Please note that our refund policy aims to strike a balance between meeting the needs of our buyers and safeguarding the integrity of our services. We are committed to resolving any concerns you may have and providing the best possible experience for your business. For any further clarification or assistance regarding our refund policy, please do not hesitate to Reach Out to our dedicated customer support team. We are here to help you navigate any issues and ensure your satisfaction with our services.
At SchoolsEmailList, we appreciate your trust and look forward to serving your Academic business needs effectively and efficiently.